Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Welcome to Principles of Advertising

What is your all time favorite television advertising campaign? What makes this your favorite campaign? (humor, sex appeal, drama)


Jai-E said...

My favorite advertising is the T- mobile commericals.

MissSarahIri said...

It was a quite afternoon, and the t.v. wasnt working. Then bam...it came on. And there was this ad...it was like " Bow Chicka WoW Wow"

Ax Commercial

tigger said...

super bowl ad with the clydesdales playing football

Jessica said...

My favorite advertisement would be the Sonic commercial where the man and the woman are sitting in the car and the man makes a good point to the woman and then the woman says how long did it take you to take of that one. Because in previous commercials she always makes the good point.

MR. FRESH BOI R B said...

My favorite commerical is the Starbust commerical. In the commerical a man is eating starbust and a leprecon comes up to him and asks him what can he do to get a starbust. The man just looks at him and continues eating his starbust. Then the leprecon starts singing and dancing saying, "Berries and Cream, Berries and Cream, I would like some berries and cream!

T.Harris said...

the ads i like the most
All of the now what ads when things happen and at the end it says now what at the end ex... when the tv fall on the mans car and after words the wqords now what pop up

BIG LUV said...

My favorite commerical is the bake bean with the dog. The owner will be talking about his bake beans and the dog is giving out the recipe on the DL for some money.

Anonymous said...

I hardly watch television nowadays. I guess my favorite TV commercial is Geico commercial with big foot.

rastis said...

My favorite advertisement was back in the way-day. Charmin tissues introduced the American public to Mr. Wipple- asking customers to "please don't squeeze the charmin"

Unknown said...

Real Men of Genious. We'd like to thank you Mr. Giant Foam Finger Maker. We salute you.

hockeychick18 said...

my favorite add is the Bacardi Mojito tv commerical

andrea said...

A funny commerical was the miricle whip commercial where the dog makes the sandwich then there isn't any mayo.